Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Arcturis, the Spirit Bear

Shøttzz, currently Beast Mastery specced, with newly tamed Arcturis the Spirit Bear. Tamed at Amberpine Lodge at 3:36 p.m. 3/29/2011

At about 3:00 p.m. I was trying to get my Shadow Priest to level 75. My priest is only going to level 75 right now because I only want her so I can have a 525 Alchemist and with all of the materials in my bag the final level grind was honestly taking forever. As I began farming for Grizzly Pelts in the river near Amberpine Lodge in Grizzly Hills I had a sickening thought. Wouldn't it be funny if Arcturis has spawned here. I have been looking to tame Arcturis for at least the last 6 months and I spent many a day sitting on the spawn point while queued in the Random Dungeon Finder. And as I turned towards the spawn point, sure enough, he was sitting there. I asked if any of the Hunters in my guild wanted to tame him. When everyone said no I sadly killed him and looted his useless Blue and Adventurer's Satchel. Then I got to thinking. If he had spawned on this server, maybe he had spawned on my hunters server. So I switched over quickly and took the long trek over.

I was on top of Bastion of Twilight, where I had logged out nearly 20 days ago. I had to hearth to Stormwind, unlearn my PvP Marksmen spec and quickly throw talents into Beast Mastery as I ran to the docks. I barely missed the boat and had to sit and wait for the long turn around period. Then, as the boat landed in Borean Tundra I made the long ride back across Northrend to Grizzly Hills.

I had all but given up hope when I had landed. I was positive that either he wouldn't have spawned on my Hunter's server or someone would have gotten him since I took so long. But, as I landed, he was there and there wasn't a soul in sight. With shaky hands I clicked the Tame Beast button and watched as he shrinked and appeared at my side as if he had been there his entire life. Very excited to have a new tanking buddy. One that won't bitch about low dps or accidentally pulling more than he wanted.

In other hunter news, I am going to be writing an article about the new Hunter changes in 4.1.0 and my thoughts on pushing back raids until the next 4.2.0. As well, I have separated general/personal posts that don't particularly pertain to my Druid/Hunter columns. The new spot for them will be in my new blog /1 General Chat that will be up soon with my first post that will explain a bit as to why I haven't been writing anything lately.

Also, I will be opening up a new blog entitled Healer's Shadow. This will follow Shadow Priests since my next 85 will likely be one. First post will center around my leveling experiences and will meld into PuGing Raid experiences on Illidan.

Lastly, Shøttzz and Pänzër, my last two 85's on Garona will be moving to Illidan and turning Horde as soon as I have the funds to cough up the $100 to Sever/Faction Transfer the two characters. I just don't like Garona anymore. I gave it a second chance with my Hunter and they only have one 25 man guild that is doing any sort of progression and they are great people but they are looking for more experienced and better dps than I can pull right now. So I am just going to bring my last two 85's to Illidan and just PuG when I want to run on one and leave them alone when I want to play something else.

Thanks for reading!

Lok'tar Ogar

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